Supporting Federal Health Through Innovative Solutions

AMERICAN SYSTEMS delivers end-to-end transformative healthcare solutions to support our active-duty military, veterans and their families, as well as federal civilian healthcare initiatives. We leverage our strategic solutions and expert knowledge in the areas of information technology, test and evaluation, program mission support, engineering and analysis, and training to help our federal health customers in the following areas: Health IT, Health Research & Development, and Health Management Consulting.

Medical Records Concept Photo

Program Executive Office, Defense Healthcare Management Systems (PEO DHMS)

AMERICAN SYSTEMS established an enterprise level-platform for PEO DHMS focused on continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) that provides software integrated tools, services, and standards that enable partners and programs to develop, deploy, and operate applications in a secure, flexible and interoperable fashion. Our managed services support a testing infrastructure, DevSecOps, software as a service, and a physical test facility and offer capabilities that enable rapid prototyping, real-time delivery, and scalability.

AMERICAN SYSTEMS offers the following services for PEO DHMS:

  • Cloud Infrastructure

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) for DevSecOps

  • Facility for Medical Device/System Testing


Clinical Support Program Management Office Surveillance and Readiness (CSPMO S&R) Portfolio Support and Enhancements

AMERICAN SYSTEMS is delivering comprehensive IT Services to DHA SDD in enhancing the Surveillance Readiness applications to include DOEHRS-IH, DOERHS-HC and SRTS, to support Health Service Delivery to our warfighters and veterans through robust surveillance and reporting on adverse health exposure events and the identification and administration of appropriate care.

Military Health Service Photo

DHA/OASD Readiness (Force Education and Training)

AMERICAN SYSTEMS is supporting OASD to improve decision-making capabilities through expansion of phased research, development, and prototype of “MilGears” on-line for the DHA, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. MilGears leverages the COOL platform to provide service members with a personalized assessment of their military training and experience and off-duty education and credentialing, including recommendations and next steps to pursue and achieve industry credentialing, in-service advancement, and post-service employment.

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